Maria’s Visions


I have been reading your paranormal stories and would like to share my own. I see things differently from normal people and some call my dissimilar perception of what ‘the eyes cannot see’ peculiar, and as a member of a religious organization that mentored couples in having a family that centered on a devout and pious relationship with divinity, some of the members do not accept me for my peculiarity. I would therefore prefer anonymity and be called Maria.

My husband and I are among the senior heads of a “flock” that would visit the homes of aspiring couples intending to be in our congregation. We call on couples from house to house such that on a weekly basis, we are able to meet new husband and wife duos as well as the rest of the family. As we go from house to house, I will “see” things that can either be very encouraging and rewarding, but sometimes be disturbing and upsetting. One typical weekend was ringing the doorbell of a home, and of course, as we had appointments to read passages from the holy book and pray for blessings and ask for the intercession of ‘the powers that be’ for certain petitions and special intentions, we were welcomed with enthusiasm. We will also be graced with refreshments for bringing positivity to the house.

On one occasion to visit a new couple, I called for an appointment prior to our personal introduction; Bert was 87 years old, and Sonia was 82. We pleasantly conversed about their long and happy marriage as we drank our cups of tea, and the elderly couple had such a long blissful relationship as they told their love story to my husband and me. I wondered why they still wanted to be active in our worship when they had an altar that held so many religious images.

At one point, after having my second cup (of tea) I asked Sonia “May I please use your restroom?” She said “Of course! It is through this hallway, first door to your right.” I stood and followed directions and found the designated door. I held the doorknob, and it was locked. There were two other doors in sight, and I assumed them to be bedrooms. I waited, thinking someone was inside, and after a few moments, the door opened and a young lady, a teenager, came out and walked past me, without looking, and all I could notice was her long shiny black hair as she went inside the next bedroom door.

As I went back into the living room, my husband, Bert, and Sonia were still engaged in more beautiful conversation and as I walked closer to them, I noticed some pictures in their fancy frames on top of the piano. The curious cat in me naturally started looking at the pictures, the smiles on the faces of the captured moments were evidence of good memories and exciting experiences.

One picture, however, was monochromatic brown (sepia) and I am sure the same smile as Sonia made me realize that she was in fact the lady I saw coming out of the restroom because the picture had the same long hair. As Sonia saw me ogling the pictures, she stood and approached me looking at her beautiful long-haired daughter. Before she could say anything, I said, “Your daughter, right? I saw her coming out of the bathroom.”

Sonia’s smile turned to a frozen stiff and said, ”Please do not do that!?” in my perplexity, I initially did not understand what I did or said wrong; I looked at the picture again and then realized that the brown color of the picture showed the “vintage” sepia paper and gathered the math: an 82-year-old would not have a teenager as a daughter at this point and it was clear that I was – again, in those moments of “perception”, seeing what normal eyes do not.

“Lucy was eighteen when she died of tuberculosis. Did you really see her?” Sonia asked while she clutched my hand. And her eyes are misty. I was caught between denying what I saw to relieve Sonia of the pain of losing a child all over again or telling her that her daughter is still in the house and not resting in heavenly peace. It is this kind of situation where I see my visions as a curse. I responded by saying “I am so sorry; I hope I did not cause you any sadness.” Bert stood and approached us using his walker, hoping I could explain why a pleasant visit suddenly caused her wife grief. “What happened?” he asked, and my husband was speechless, yet somehow, he knew that I may have said or done something to upset Sonia.

After explaining things to Bert, I still had the dilemma of answering Sonia’s question and admitting that Lucy was still lingering in the house. With that, the couple asked us to pray for her spirit and come to the house every week to continue praying for Lucy. We gladly agreed to their request, and the weekly visits went on for 2 years until Sonia passed away, and Bert too 5 months after.

I have other stories to tell, but I cannot tell them to friends who see me as weird and are sometimes afraid of me and my visions that I have stopped talking about it. I thank you, however, for giving me that opportunity to tell my stories.


Thank you, Maria, for sharing your paranormal experience. I am sure you will be able to tell us more experiences since you yourself said, you have “other stories to tell”. I will look forward to more for you to share.

How about you, dear readers? Do you have your own paranormal story to share? Send me an email at