filam post paranormal

I will call this sender Ofelia to hide her identity as requested since she is married with grown children; she sent her story to us to ask if anyone of our readers had similar encounters that would validate her conclusions that LOVE can bring a ‘spirit’ to manifest like a physical being.

This is Ofelia’s story:

I want to share this experience that I cannot explain how it could be possible. Years ago, when I was in my early twenties, I had one suitor named Danilo, who always came to visit me every Wednesday. He would go home to make sure he would be cleaned up after his work in the bakery and bring me freshly baked bread that he himself shaped into different “love” expressions like heart-shaped ‘pandesal’ or Spanish bread three times bigger than the retail size or flatbread with the inscription of my name and his, using a razor blade. He was just courting me as I had other men calling on me, but I felt Danilo was going to be the right choice.

He comes every Wednesday as he explained, because after visiting, he would go straight to church for the novena to the Mother of Perpetual Help at 6:00 0’clock pm. To add, he said being an orphan, “I want to see you before I see my ‘Mother’”.

The Wednesday visits went without missing for about a year, but one time, he came very late as I saw him from my room window on the second floor. I looked at the clock at 6:25 pm, and I thought that was out of the usual after-work visits. I rushed downstairs, straight to our gate to let him inside the house. I thought that maybe he had not even gone home to tidy up because I noticed that his hair was not combed, and his shirt was dirty. He did not even have any bread in hand as he normally brought some.

“Pasok ka!” (“Come inside”) I said, but he said, “I’m sorry, but I need to see my ‘Ina’”. Danilo then started walking away… and as I pulled the gate wide open to step out of it and try to get more explanation why he looked worried and was looking dirty, he was nowhere in sight as I looked past people on the street, children playing, running and tricycles passing.

I went inside feeling upset and thought maybe he had grown tired of waiting for me to accept him as my boyfriend. I was ready to commit to him but felt he was no longer willing to pursue me. I cried in my room as I blamed myself for being so stupid! I thought about going to church to catch him there and tell him that I am ready to “answer” him and pledge my love. I quickly changed my clothes and ran downstairs to walk to church. But then my mother was at the door, speaking with a man and as she turned to see me, she asked me where I was going; I said, “I am going to see Danilo at church.” She approached me and held my arm and said “Hija (daughter), Danilo is in the hospital, and this man is here to tell you that he had an accident on his way home and he was run over by a bus… he died in the hospital”.

I said, “No, he was just here, and he said he was going to church, and he is late!”. My mother embraced me and as she did, I pulled myself from her and looked at the man, whom I recognized as the owner of the bakery where Danilo works. “I treat Danilo as my son since he is an orphan,” he continued to say “he had been working with me since he was 9 years old. The hospital called me the next of kin. The nurses in the hospital said he kept whispering, repeating your name just before he took his last breath. I know he visits you every Wednesday and I felt he was trying to say he had to go to you… so I had to tell you about his death personally.”


Do you think Ofelia’s experience can be discerned that a spirit can manifest as a physical entity and converse? This is such an unearthly, mysterious, and strange but beautiful love story worth sharing. Do you have your unexplained story to share? Send us an e-mail at Letters@filamtv.us